FrontRunner Professional Blog

Are You a Funeral Director Choosing to Adapt?

Then you need to cultivate business relationships and partnerships which fully support you in personalizing your funeral home services, memorializing the deceased, and caring for families. Fortunately, you are reading this first post of the new FrontRunner Professional blog—and have discovered (or rediscovered) a trusted ally—a committed partner—to you and your business.

The vendor relationships you cultivate must prove to be of positive value to the success of your funeral firm. If they don’t support the efficient day-to-day operations of your funeral firm, enhance both the online and offline marketing of your funeral firm; your partners at least need to care about your professional development.

And before we go any further, let me say this: FrontRunner Professional exists—has always existed—to do all those things for funeral directors. This new blog is just one more example of how supportive we want to be—and it’s also an example of a “perfect partnership” of like-minded people. After all…

You know your business.

You were educated and trained to do what you do for families. And you know that at the core of the profession—at the heart of everything you do for families—are compassion and a deep commitment to service.

And we know ours.

FrontRunner Professional has been around since 1994. In the 18 years since the company was started the company in the back room of Kevin Montroy’s family-owned funeral home, we’ve developed innovative funeral software solutions which honor and respect the deceased, reinforce the integrity of the profession, and augment the trust that families place in funeral professionals.

Together we can make magic.

Partnerships like this don’t come along every day. We’re experienced: we’ve partnered with hundreds of funeral home owners and employees, supporting them and supporting the growth of their businesses. We’re committed to your success—in fact we put the success of your business first, well ahead of our own.

And you’re committed to better serving families, and taking your funeral firm to the next level.

Just think of it: your commitment to serving families coupled with our commitment to serving you.

What great—almost magical—things we can do…together. That’s where this blog fits—it’s the place where the magic between us begins.

Here’s What Our Blog Will Do for You

FrontRunner Professional is a technology solutions company. That means we’ve got to know about the newest digital technology and funeral home website design trends, bring that knowledge to the attention of funeral professionals, and help them successful adopt this new technology to their unique business needs.

Why? Because we want to empower funeral professionals (like you) to…

The new FrontRunner Professional blog is our platform to openly discuss technology innovations, the newest trends in funeral service—and any other business-building, problem-solving topic which comes up during the year.

Notice the word “discuss.” It’s important. We don’t want this to be a monologue; a one-way conversation. We want it to be a place where funeral professionals come together to share their best thinking about ways to use technology to better serve families.

Here’s What We Want from You

We not only encourage feedback, we hunger for it. That’s because we believe the future of funeral service depends on forging a strength-in-numbers approach to the profession; that we all must come together in support of one another’s success.

So, subscribe to our blog. Read the posts. And leave us your thoughts. We promise to respond to you—and hope other readers take the time to do the same. The future of your funeral firm…of the profession itself—depends on it, don’t you think? (The phrase “United we stand, divided we fall” comes to mind.)

In the end…

If you realize compassion and commitment are not enough to ensure success; and if you’re always looking for high-quality information that will help you to navigate the changing social landscape of your community—then make reading the FrontRunner Professional blog a part of your weekly routine. We’re sure our in-house and guest writers will inspire you enough that you’ll want to add your own comments, experiences, and unique perspectives. And it’s right there the magic is born.

Before you go, why not grab another opportunity to experience the magic? Subscribe to the monthly FrontRunner Professional newsletter—that way you’re sure not to miss out on a thing!

Quick question: How does your funeral firm plan to adapt in 2013? We’d love to hear what great ideas you’ve got to make the most out of this year. Leave us a comment with your answer!