FrontRunner Professional Blog

7 Must-See Book of Memories Tribute Page Enhancements that You Won’t Want to Miss!

Attention all FrontRunner clients, this post is for you and it’s full of great enhancements to the Book of Memories program coming Wednesday, November 11th! Everyone loves to know their feedback is being heard and because of the great feedback from our great clients like you, we’ve made the Book of Memories that much better. Our team has been hard at work over the past few months to add some new features into the Book of Memories tribute pages. Our staff comes up with some great ideas, but tapping into the minds our clients is priceless. After all, who better to help us improve our systems, than the people who use them day in and day out?

This particular batch of enhancements is surrounding the Book of Memories online memorials and includes features for both administrators and users/the families you serve:

1. Scroll Through Multiple Photos vs. Just One at a Time.

Visitors to the Book of Memories can now scroll through a library of photos uploaded to the deceased’s tribute page instead of viewing them one by one. Previously users were able to look at one photo of the deceased at a time on the Book of Memories. We have now added a navigation button which gives your families the ability to flip through all of the photos posted on their loved one’s Book of Memories page. Instead of having to close each photo and open the next, users can now seamlessly move through them all. How’s that for a better user experience for the community you serve?

2. New “Math Image” Captcha Type.

Receiving spammy condolences or emails isn’t fun for anybody and with the world wide web, keeping the bots under control to reduce spam is something we constantly stay on top of. We’ve recently added a new type of Captcha which you can change in your “Global Book of Memories Settings”, called the Math Image. As the name suggests, it combines elements of the Simple Math Captcha with images to keep those bots automated scripts trying to send condolences or stories to the Book of Memories away. When you can add a few intricate layers to a Captcha that have a more human approach such as identifying an image or solving a math problem, you’re online image stays protected. We recommend using this type of Captcha for added security on your Book of Memories pages. You can see exactly how to change these settings, in the FrontRunner manual.

3. Approve Condolence Messages Just Like Stories and Photos.

This is probably one of the biggest requests that we get from clients today. They want to be able to approve condolence messages just like they can stories and photos that are uploaded to the online memorial tribute page. This brand new feature gives the family you’re serving more control over their loved one’s Book of Memories page and will save you both some time. In the family interactive section of the Book of Memories, the family or a funeral home staff member now has the ability to approve condolences before they are posted publicly. As mentioned above, in the past this could only be done for photos and stories. An administrator at your funeral home can decide whether or not you want to turn this feature on or off within your FrontRunner system, and it can be done across the board as well as changed on a per record basis.

4. Easily Add/Modify Public Condolences.

Another brand-new family interactive feature built in the Family Login Area, your staff or families can now make changes to condolences left. Before, this could only be done if the condolence was a private condolence. Similar to approving, families or funeral home staff now have the ability to modify, add, remove, or choose to make a condolence public or private. Prior to this, they only had the ability to view them. We want your families to feel empowered and to have the control they need over their loved one’s Book of Memories page and be encouraged to interact more with your funeral home website.

5. Manage Site Photos from One Central Place

Now, the record’s photos are accessible in one central place. You, as a system administrator, can now upload and manage photos from the Book of Memories section of your system, not just from the “records” section. This improvement allows you to manage more elements of a Book of Memories page in one central area and eliminates the need to navigate to another section of your FrontRunner system to make these changes. This will  improve the user experience for you as an admin and save you time in your system.

6. Hide “Date of Birth” and “Date of Death” on the Book of Memories.

Another top-requested enhancement to the Book of Memories, you now have the option to choose whether the birth date and/or death date is displayed in the Book of Memories or not. This can be done across all records or changed per specific record. This allows for more customization depending on each different family’s specific needs and desires.

7. Charity Selection Will Move to the “Proceed” Button Automatically.

When a visitor to the Book of Memories tribute page makes a donation, they now have one less step in the process. The page will automatically advance down to the “Proceed” button once the user selects their desired charity, saving them the need to scroll down the page. This will help guide the user exactly through the steps they need to complete when donating online through the Book of Memories.

We’re thrilled that you use the Book of Memories as the standard of funeral memorialization for your firm and its funeral home website, and we know these enhancements with more to come will help your firm continue to knock it out of the park. You can expect to see these great changes live on your website, Wednesday, November 11, 2015.

As always, we want our clients to be the first to know about changes we make to the Book of Memories, or any other part of their FrontRunner solutions and we are constantly looking to improve all elements of our systems. If you have some suggestions on any part of the FrontRunner system, we’d love to hear it!

If you have any questions about these particular Book of Memories enhancements or if you have any features you would like to see added to the FrontRunner system, please don’t hesitate to contact us!