FrontRunner Professional Blog

Funeral Home Software: Get More From Your Pulse Business System

Over the last two decades, funeral home software has completely reshaped the death care industry. Funeral directors from all over the continent have adapted to new ways of managing their businesses and now rely on their technology solutions more than ever. At FrontRunner our goal is, and always has been, to help these forward-thinking firms stay ahead of the constantly advancing curve. When the Pulse Business System was developed, we wanted to help funeral professionals spend less time on data-entry, record keeping and administrative tasks, so that they could spend more time helping families. However, we have noticed more and more that funeral home’s are missing out on some of the systems greatest features, day in and day out. This post will outline some of the ways that you can get more out of your FrontRunner Pulse Business System and truly use your funeral home software to the fullest.

Make Your Dashboard Work For You

The Pulse Business System dashboard

Did you know there are over 30 widgets (yes, 30) that allow you to create an entirely personalized dashboard for your Pulse Business System? If you didn’t, you are not alone. This is the one place in your system where you see your contract and sales stats, customer data and funeral cases, all in one central place. We speak to funeral directors all the time that do not have any idea that they can fully customize every aspect of their dashboard’s style, navigation and overall function. Because the system requires each user to have a different log in, every employee can build a personalized dashboard to meet the unique needs of their particular position. We encourage you to play around with it and find out what works best for you and your team. Don’t worry, you won’t break anything, and if you do, Andy in support will be there to make it all better 🙂

Find Information Easier With The Search Function

For any funeral home, it is important to have personalized communication with families before, during and after the service. Despite best efforts, it can be difficult to keep track of all the contacts associated with each family throughout the course of a year and especially over time. That is okay. You are human. Besides, your funeral home software has got you covered. With the search function, you can easily access contact information associated with every service. By simply typing in a name you can find out who you are talking with and how you can help them. This can work as an unique aftercare touchpoint and provide your team with an easy way to build upon an already establish connection with the families you serve.

Control Your Funeral Home Inventory

One of the largest challenges of running any business successfully is controlling inventory related to the services and products offered. For funeral homes, part of providing families with the highest standard of care is having a large selection of funeral products. This system feature allows you to keep track of what is coming in, what is being sold and how much stock remains. Though this may seem simple, it can help you stay organized and allows you to track your most popular items, and help you offer only the best to the community.

Get Rid Of Your Filing Cabinets. Once And For All.

Okay, you do not have to fully get rid of your filing cabinets. However, one of the coolest features that has been brought to the Pulse Business System is the File Uploader. Instead of filing your paperwork into folders and having to make sense of it all or praying nothing happens to them, you can directly upload every piece of paperwork directly to the associated record in your system where it lives forever. No longer will you have to manually search for any information. You’ll simply be able to access it all from anywhere you are, even when you are not in the funeral home. Can it be that simple? It really can!

More Funeral Home Software Features To Come

We do not want to overload you. Now that we have gone over some of the cool features of your funeral home software, you should take some time to explore your system and get to know it better. There are many ways to make it work for you, your team and your business. Stay tuned for further updates and tips for how to get the most out of your Pulse Business System. At FrontRunner, we love to help funeral homes grow. However, there is nothing we like more than helping empower firms to take matters into their own hands.

If you are not using FrontRunner’s funeral home software and are interested in seeing what the system can do for your business or you want to take your Pulse Business System to the next level, schedule some one-on-one time with Jules Green on the FrontRunner team here. She will show you around so can see the best funeral home software in action. You won’t regret it!